The data administrator is Karol Pomykała, based in Warsaw (02-375), ul Studencka 40. You can contact your administrator by:
sending a letter to: ul Studencka 40, 02-375 Warsaw;
by sending an e-mail message to or by using the contact form on the “Contact” tab.
The administrator will process the data to send the newsletter.
The legal basis for the processing of data is the legitimate interest of the controller – Article 6 section(1) letter.(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: ‘GDPR’);
Personal data will be processed until you unsubscribe from the newsletter or until the newsletter is finished.
The recipients of the data processed in connection with the contact form can be IT companies, that provide the administrator with service support.
Personal data shall not be transferred to a third country, except for correspondence with persons contacting an administrator outside the European Economic Area (hereinafter: ‘EEA’). The controller shall only transmit data outside the EEA where necessary and appropriate protection is maintained.
In connection with the processing of data, you have the right to access data, to rectify data, to delete data, to limit the processing of data, to object to the processing of data. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Office.
Your details are voluntary, but we will not be able to provide you with a newsletter without them.